Restoration Market Report

Feb 27, 2024

There's one question buyers, sellers, and industry partners alike ask in just about every conversation — How's the Market? It's always a pleasure to partner with C&R to share information like the Restoration Market Report, and on February 29th, I sat down with Michelle Blevins to answer important questions about the restoration market for Main Street and Private Equity deals coming out of 2023 and looking ahead to new opportunities in 2024. 

In the video, we touch on the events of 2023 and some of the more surprising outcomes. You'll learn about the changing face of buyers in 2024 and how multiples are fairing in today's climate. Financing looks different in today's market, and we talk about what that means for sellers. 

Download the Restoration Market Report

In 2024, planning your exit has never been more important. If you are interested in starting the discussion on how to plan for the future, let's chat. Email: [email protected] or call 407-781-4596.



GrabĀ Why, When & How to Sell Your RestorationĀ BusinessĀ and learn about the six success drivers to prepare your business for sale.

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About Gokul Padmanabhan

Gokul has spent his entire career as a small business owner like you. He learned a lot throughout the process of starting, growing, and selling several businesses. One important lesson: most business brokers didn't add much value to the process of selling his businesses because they didn't understand them.

So, he became a business broker and immediately learned another important lesson:Ā to really understand the businesses you sell you need to specialize in a single market.

So, he specialized in selling restoration businesses, and so was born Restoration Brokers of America.

After more than 15 yearsĀ  of evaluating and selling restoration businesses, RBA has learned another important lesson: most businesses we see can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and, sometimes millions, more if the owner will manage his or her business a bit differently as they prepare to sell.

We call this Managing for Value. It's not complicated. It's not difficult. It's just different.


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