Who is the Right Buyer for Your Business?

Jan 26, 2024

The other day, I was having a conversation with a client who asked me the question every seller should be asking: “Who would be the best buyer for my business?”

When you first decide to take your business to market, it's all about the price. We'll gather documents and perform a full valuation of the company, and that top-of-mind question is going to repeat, over and over—what is the value? 

There's a very abrupt shift that happens as you get into the process, and the focus very quickly shifts to finding the best fit for your employees, your vision, and the legacy you've built. 

Buyers are divided into two types—financial and strategic.

A financial buyer would be a private equity buyer. They’ll come in and put financial discipline into your business, infuse capital, and provide opportunities for your employees post-closing. 

A strategic buyer is looking at this completely differently and will buy your company because of certain criteria. For example, they are growing in your region, so they want to acquire your business to expand their footprint. If they’re good in construction and your business is good in mitigation, they’re trying to buy that skill and leadership.

“We spend great time, effort, and resources to understand who’s buying, why they’re buying, and what their strategic mission is to ensure that we can bring the right set of buyers to our clients.”

RBA spends incredible amounts of time, efforts, and resources understanding who's buying, why they're buying, and what their strategic vision looks like. We do our best to bring the right-fit buyers to our clients. 

Visit www.RBASells.com for more info on selling your business or to schedule a call. 



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About Gokul Padmanabhan

Gokul has spent his entire career as a small business owner like you. He learned a lot throughout the process of starting, growing, and selling several businesses. One important lesson: most business brokers didn't add much value to the process of selling his businesses because they didn't understand them.

So, he became a business broker and immediately learned another important lesson:Ā to really understand the businesses you sell you need to specialize in a single market.

So, he specialized in selling restoration businesses, and so was born Restoration Brokers of America.

After more than 15 yearsĀ  of evaluating and selling restoration businesses, RBA has learned another important lesson: most businesses we see can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and, sometimes millions, more if the owner will manage his or her business a bit differently as they prepare to sell.

We call this Managing for Value. It's not complicated. It's not difficult. It's just different.


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